Category: casual sex
01/15/07 11:04 - ID#37696
Find Love TV
Dinner at Tara's last night was a splendid treat. Not only was the main entree, eggplant parm, a personal favorite of mine, but the company was especially delightful. My friends Sarah and Gabe with their cherubic daughter Navah Rain joined us for the feast, along with this other kat Chris who is quite the jovial fellow. Tara certainly knows how to throw a dinner party and set a table with exquisite attention to detail, an artistic masterpiece. Her home is an equally ornate expression including elements from Nepal, west Africa, Latin America, both the Near East and Far East. What is most striking about her residence is the vibe, which is warm and tranquil, a pleasant compliment to the visually stimulating decor. I had such a wonderful time that I've been inspired to host my own dinner party in the very near future, perhaps with an oriental theme seated on the floor dining on a tangy stir fry. I really do enjoy entertaining guests and it's on the agenda for 2007.
Before meeting up at Tara's for an evening's repast, I dropped by Shanghai Red's on the waterfront to investigate a reality show seeking candidates for a Buffalo-based show Find Love TV. My mother mentioned it to me at the hospital and later my friend Lydia called me saying that I'd be perfect for it. So I followed this guidance with some resistance only to discover that there was a better than 2 hour wait for interviews. This kat Addison, a rep for A&E, snapped a Polaroid of me and directed me to fill out a brief questionnaire. As I was doing so I was making wise cracks asking if Simon was present to hear me audition Peter Cetera hit for American Idol. One of the questions asked, "What is your idea of the perfect date?" I turned to a couple of the ladies seated in the room asking for help on this one. One of them responded, "Beer and pizza," and I was like, "So what are you doing later?"
This kat seated across from me wasn't offering any help referring to me as the "competition." I mentioned myspace and he immediately went on the offensive critcizing me for having a profile on the controversial website at my age. I responded that the target demographic is ages 18-34 and that people use the site for many purposes. He wasn't hearing any of it commenting how his teenage students think it "creepy" for anyone over age 25 to have a myspace profile and implied that I must be a child molester. We're all entitled to our opinions, although the weaker-minded among us are easily influenced by others. I chuckled and noticed this attractive blonde to my left was getting a kick out of the exchange. So I ended up writing in for my idea of a perfect date "dinner at Fiamma Steak," the owner of which was seated next to me whom I recognized from a feature in Spree magazine. However, what I said out loud differed considerably, "Puts out on the first date." The blonde placed her hand over her mouth trying to hide her hysteria.
I handed Addison my completed form with the paparazzi photo stapled to it and sauntered over to the bar area looking to catch a glimpse of the score in the Patriots/ Chargers game. I sat on a cozy chair by a faux fireplace scanning the room and gazing out into the idle harbor where sailboats dominate the scene in the summer months. I felt the urge to get out and explore making my way for the exit. I strolled along the historic canal slip and paused along the water's edge with a stiff breeze coming off the lake chilling me to the bone. Yet it was quite mild by January standards and I noticed a rollerblader glide by as I was pondering a vision for the future of the highly debated and underutilized lake shore and riverfront. I like the idea of an eco-recreational commercial state-of-the-art "new town" district emerging, while the existing downtown becomes known as "old town" featuring 19th century buildings converted to residential urban loft style and municipal purposes for political and civic services. I'm a fan of privatizing and regionalizing government as well. I say run government like a business and allow basic market dynamics of supply and demand to dictate it's evolution. The days of tax payers picking up the tab for limo rides and big government are numbered.
I returned to the fancy interior of the waterfront's self-dubbed "jewel" for a minute before heading out to grab a mocha latte at Spot Coffee. I debated on whether or not to return to the restaurant, which I did as I had time before dinner. Addison informed me that there was still an hour's wait and directed me back to the bar, obviously doing his part to generate business for the establishment so kindly hosting the operation. I strolled into the bar, did an about-face and bounced. It wasn't until after 7 pm that I got a phone call from a Kevin asking if I was still in the restaurant and would like to be interviewed. I explained that I had dinner plans and would not be available, although I inquired if they'd be hosting a second round of interviews. He said that they may and would keep my name and number on record. So if it's really meant-to-be I'll get another shot at it. I'm really not attached either way. I'm sure it would be fun, or should I say, I'm sure I'd make it fun.
As fate would have it I got a phone call from my cousin Joni during dinner. I returned her call when I got home and listened as she described a rather peculiar incidence. Turns out the blonde who was finding me quite entertaining at the reality show gig recognized me from a picture taken at a New Year's Eve party. Joni's friend Michelle had in mind a fix up b/w her friend Andrea and I having invited her to the party with that intention in mind. However, she never made it to the party that evening so Michelle instead provided her evidence of my presence in the form of a picture. Apparently she liked what she saw, not to mention the impression I made at the interviews. She called Michelle explaining that she thinks she met "Sean Kennedy" and wanted to get her phone number to me via my cousin. Joni said something about co-hosting with Michelle a mojito party next month and inviting Andrea, but when Michelle suggested this to her she replied, "I have to wait until next month to meet him?" Wow. I feel like a celebrity, or perhaps getting a glimpse of what it might feel like anyway. So I took down her number joking with Joni that perhaps I'll invite her out to their chalet in Colden for a soak in the hot tub. Joni was like, "Hey anything we can do to help!" She's such a sweetheart.
So the potential is there for some "action", however my astrologer has advised me against engaging in casual sex, something to do with Saturn and Venus in my 8th house, I dunno? Here I was thinking maybe I should try casual sex with my astrologer? But seriously, I've no clue what to make of this most recent love interest. The good news is that her name is not Jen. I had met two blondes by the name of Jen in the last several weeks so I must finally be over her, thank God. How did I get so stuck on that anyway? I didn't trust my initial instincts and it lead to some smackdown in the heart chakra. But hey, live and learn as the say. I got options in all areas of my life. The main thing is to stay the course with my devotion to effortless living from here on out. If something doesn't bring me peace and joy either I need to change my perception of it or remove myself from the circumstance. Truly practice of the former will lead to the latter by virtue of The Secret. That's the rub!
One LOve
It's no accident, SEAN, that when you look closely into the eyes of another, the very first thing you see, is yourself.
That when you hold their hand, you can feel your own warmth.
And that when you give of yourself, you give to yourself.
Because, quite simply, both you, and they, are me.
Let's get it started, un-huh -
The Universe
"The coming months are to be a bit of a crazy time, when one moment you will seem to reach new heights, and in the next one you will be brought back down to Earth. Whatever happens always keep your eye on the greater goal, and know that this way you cannot be deterred or deflected from your path.
You will feel day-to-day changes, but overall you will be moving up into the higher vibrations. Everything is changing, and look to your younger generations for the wisdom and love they have brought with them. They are also here for a special purpose, and they will come into their own as the months roll by and people will understand that many are extremely evolved souls. Already you have become aware of some who have started their mission, and they will help immensely when the time comes to change the world.
You just do not realize the number of masters who are already with you, and they do not advertise their presence but get on with their work with unparalleled dedication. Heaven has not allowed matters to completely take their own course, and freewill is tempered by the need to ensure that the path ahead is clearly defined, and lit up so that you may find your way.
If you could but see the marvelous interplay of energies that are upon Earth and also reaching it from the higher dimensions, you would be greatly uplifted. Large pockets of light continue to grow exponentially, and a glorious show of many colors permeates the darkest of regions."
- St. Germain 03-January-2007

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